Wednesday, November 20, 2013

On-line Education

In my research paper I'm planning to analyse modern on-line methods of educations. I think that education and popular culture are very close to each other. Good educated society could raise the culture, but bad educated people are not very interesting in the culture. Education is very important for the development of culture. I want to analyse different methods of education:  regular classes, on-line classes, combined classes, when students meet each other in the classroom and on-line.  It will be good to analyse D2Learn classes. They are new and very popular in Pima Community College. Students learn in these classes: WRT, Sociology, Health Information Technology, United States History, ART History, CSA and many other subjects.  It will be interesting to compare different ways to meet people in class and on-line. The main purpose of my future research is investigation of D2Learn classes and compares them to traditional classes. Why students love them, why they choose them and how they study popular culture in different ways? I think that is going to be one very interesting project.
In my project I’m going to use different source of information. In this way, the video “Information literacy series overview” is very helpful. It helps students improve their information literacy skills. Doctor Bob Baker said the “process of acquiring pieces of information is like trying to fill a teacup with a fire horse.” The Information literacy according to Dr. Baker include: ability to find, use and evaluate Information.
Information literacy series overview

I would like to focus more on D2Learn. It was my last blog post and it was interesting to discuss it. Internet is new media. It opens a lot of opportunities for students. We can learn and work, because we schedule our time. We can learn on the distant and we can be involved in the developing of popular culture.
In my opinion, popular culture is a new way in the educational process. Since childhood, everybody learns songs, ferities, games, some famous poems for children. At school students learn more poems and they read popular stories and books, watch and discuss TV show. Teenagers post their thoughts on Facebook account and write on the walls of their friends, in this way people began to write, create, type, and read more often and young people desire to write more interesting, more creative to became more popular in Internet. In the same time other teenagers who are less creative, less educated begin to criticize. They do it not polite, not with real name. How can creative teenager protect himself? In this way very important to know how to ban impolite person, how to moderate personal page. It is good way to study possibilities of the Internet. Some of young people are ready for D2Learn without special education like computer literacy. Modern methods of education are more democratically influence the students. They learn by themselves.
Nowadays, it is very popular to know Internet very well. It is a culture of modern society. In this way, teenagers desire to have computers at home or they go to the libraries, and/or to the Internet-café.
On the other hand it is very good for teachers to teach students, using D2Learn classes.  On-line discussions are very popular in History classes, Literature classes, Sociology classes, WRT classes, especially on the high levels. Students are typing very fast; it saves a lot of time. For me, like for student, it is very interesting to read all posts in discussions. In WRT 126, it is very interesting to read all students short stories and literature’s discussions.
I can compare all these methods with methods of education in Moldova. Moldova is a new independent country in Europe. There are not so much opportunities for teenagers to use computer and Internet. Not enough computers at schools. Some schools don’t have computers at all. In some schools students have opportunity to use computer only in the computer information class. In my opinion, it is not enough sources for modern education in Moldova and in the other new independent countries after collapse USSR.
In this way, I find a great question for investigation:
How does the on-line learning trend affect other countries with fewer opportunities?

1 comment:

  1. I like your question at the end of this post. It piqued my interest and it does address a serious issue. Other countries don't have as much access to computers as we do here in the majority of the USA. I think it would be interesting to see this addressed in your essay. You could highlight the need for but lack of learning using computers in other countries. If you talk about this I think you should also include the benefits of learning using computers and the reason why some countries don't have online-based learning. You should be able to find plenty of research for your question, and you can also draw from your own experience in Moldova.
